Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Atahualpa's Revenge - We are sick

I guess all the beauty of Ecuador caused me, and everyone, to let our guard down and ignore all the warnings regarding being careful of what one eats and drinks. We have all been very sick for two days. I practically moved to the bathroom. I will spare you the details. One person, Willie, survived the health attack because his stomach most be made of titanium. He has been taking care of all of us.
Thankfully, I feel much better now and, I think everyone should be back to normal within on day.
Hopefully, we can get back to seeing more of this beautiful country.
By the way, The people could not be more friendlier. Everyone is cheerful, respectful, happy and
I hope to have more exciting and positive posts soon.

Here are pictures from healthier and happier days. Our trip to Lago San Pablo and Otavalo

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