Friday, September 20, 2013

9/20/2013. Willie, Nelly and I arrived in Quito at 7 pm. Weather is a comfortable 70 degrees.
Already had an incident that could possibly have ruined the vacation. About five miles into our cab ride home, which was going to take a bit over an hour, I realized I had left my backpack at the airport. I panicked and felt sick. I thought I will never see it again. My whole vacation ruined.
In the backpack was my laptop, Ipod, passport, the rest of my electronics and some money. In total, around $1,500. But the important thing is the contents in my devices.
The cab driver rushed back to the airport and to my delight, the honest airport workers had placed my backpack in a safe place.
After telling them everything I had in it, they gave me my backpack. How lucky am I ?
They, reluctantly accepted $40, but refused my hugs.
Back to enjoy the vacation.
Quito by night looks beautiful, with lots of hills. Tomorrow we see old, colonial Quito.

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